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Ahed Tamimi et sa famille ne sont pas les saints palestiniens que vous voulez qu’ils soient
Haaretz (en anglais)
Article mis en ligne le 31 juillet 2018

Promote the blood libel ? Check. Glorify terrorism ? Check. Celebrate Israeli deaths ? Check. Ahed Tamimi and her family aren’t fighting for peace, and they’re not just fighting the occupation : They’re fighting to destroy Israel, and their fight is seasoned with Jew-hatred
At the end of September 2017, Ahed Tamimi was one of the speakers at a conference hosted by the European Parliament in Brussels. Among Ahed’s co-panelists was ’pioneering’ airline hijacker Leila Khaled, who told the audience : « The Nazis were tried in Nuremberg for their crimes. Today, Israel is experiencing impunity. You must bring the war criminals to justice and tell your governments that they must cease all cooperation with the Zionist state. »

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