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Nikki Haley at AIPAC 2018 – Full Speech
UN Watch
Article mis en ligne le 14 mars 2018

Amb. Nikki Haley : Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much.
It’s so good to see so many friends and I’m honored to be able to say that when I come to AIPAC I am with friends. You know, at the United Nations we sometimes don’t have many friends.
I remember last year when we had the vote about America’s principled opposition to the Castro dictatorship in Cuba. The vote went against us 191 to 2. The only two ‘no’ votes – you guessed it – were the United States and Israel. But I always say quality is more than quantity.

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Habillage ESCAL 4.5.87
Hébergeur : OVH