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Ce que fera Marco Rubio — et a déjà fait — pour reconstruire nos relations avec Israël
Article mis en ligne le 2 février 2016

Each time I return to this gathering, the urgency of the topic at hand has increased since the year before. That’s true this year more than ever. The threats facing both our country and Israel have grown dramatically in recent months, in large part because our president has placed his own legacy ahead of our mutual security.
But of course, when we gather here a year from now, we’ll have a new president-elect. And depending on who it is, we’ll have either taken a significant step toward reviving American leadership in the world and advancing Israel’s security, or we will have slid even further toward weakness and disengagement.

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Réalisé sous SPIP
Habillage ESCAL 4.5.87
Hébergeur : OVH