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Identity of Hezbollah operative in cross border tunnel revealed
Article mis en ligne le 9 décembre 2018

Capté par la vidéo placée dans le tunnel à la frontière avec le Liban, cet ingénieur a été formé à l’université de Téhéran et auprès des cartels de la drogue mexicains qui oeuvrent à la frontière avec les USA.
i24NEWS source disputes the claim from Hezbollah which said the two men in the tunnel were drug dealers
On Thursday, i24NEWS revealed the identity of an Hezbollah operative caught on camera by Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) in a cross border tunnel on the Lebanese border earlier this week.An unnamed security official told i24NEWS that the man who appeared on the video from the tunnel was Dr. Imad “Azaladin” Fahs, a commander of the Hezbollah observation unit on the border with Israel, as well as a commander in the tunnel unit.

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